Glenn Gould & Chamber Music Songtexte - Glenn Gould

Glenn Gould & Chamber Music Albumcover

Glenn Gould & Chamber Music - Glenn Gould

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Titel Anhören
Glenn Gould - String Quartet, Op. 1 (recorded under the supervision of the composer) [Songtext anzeigen]
Glenn Gould - "So You Want to Write a Fugue?" for Four Voices and String Quartet [Songtext anzeigen]
Glenn Gould - Quintet for Two Violins, Viola, Cello and Piano in G minor, Op. 57 (Excerpts): I. Prelude. Lento [Songtext anzeigen]
Glenn Gould - Quintet for Two Violins, Viola, Cello and Piano in G minor, Op. 57 (Excerpts): II. Fugue. Adagio [Songtext anzeigen]
Glenn Gould - Quintet for Two Violins, Viola, Cello and Piano in G minor, Op. 57 (Excerpts): V. Finale. Allegretto [Songtext anzeigen]
Glenn Gould - Aubade - Concerto chorégraphic for Piano and 18 Instruments (Excerpts): I. Toccata [Songtext anzeigen]
Glenn Gould - Aubade - Concerto chorégraphic for Piano and 18 Instruments (Excerpts): II. Récitatif. Les compagnes de Diane [Songtext anzeigen]
Glenn Gould - Aubade - Concerto chorégraphic for Piano and 18 Instruments (Excerpts): V. Récitatif. Introduction à la variation de Diane [Songtext anzeigen]
Glenn Gould - Aubade - Concerto chorégraphic for Piano and 18 Instruments (Excerpts): VII. Allegro feroce. Désepoir de Diane [Songtext anzeigen]
Glenn Gould - Aubade - Concerto chorégraphic for Piano and 18 Instruments (Excerpts): VIII. Conclusion. Adieux et départ de Diane [Songtext anzeigen]


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