There Is Sweet Music - English Choral Songs 1890-1950 Songtexte - John Rutter

There Is Sweet Music - English Choral Songs 1890-1950 Albumcover

There Is Sweet Music - English Choral Songs 1890-1950 - John Rutter

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Titel Anhören
John Rutter - 8 Partsongs, Op. 119: No. 3: The blue bird [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - To be sung of a Summer Night on the Water: To be Sung of a Summer Night on the Water (I) [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - To be sung of a Summer Night on the Water: To be Sung of a Summer Night on the Water (II) [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - 4 Choral Songs, Op. 53: No. 1: There is sweet music [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - My Love Dwelt in a Northern Land, Op. 18, No. 3: My love dwelt in a Northern land, Op. 18, No. 3 [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - 3 Shakespeare Songs: Full fathom five [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - 3 Shakespeare Songs: The cloud-capp'd towers [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - 3 Shakespeare Songs: Over hill, over dale [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - The Sailor and Young Nancy: The sailor and young Nancy [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - Brigg Fair [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - Irish Tune from County Derry: Londonderry Air [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - The 3 ravens: The three ravens [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - 12 Welsh Folk Songs: My sweetheart's like Venus [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - The Oak and the Ash: The oak and the ash [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - Quick! we have but a second [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - 5 Flower Songs, Op. 47: To daffodils [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - 5 Flower Songs, Op. 47: The succession of the four sweet months [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - 5 Flower Songs, Op. 47: Marsh flowers [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - 5 Flower Songs, Op. 47: The evening primrose [Songtext anzeigen]
John Rutter - 5 Flower Songs, Op. 47: Ballad of green broom [Songtext anzeigen]


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