Blues in the Night Songtexte - Quincy Jones and His Orchestra

Blues in the Night Albumcover

Blues in the Night - Quincy Jones and His Orchestra

Klicke einfach auf einen der folgenden Titel, um dir dir den entsprechenden Songtext anzeigen zu lassen oder drücke den Play Button, um dir einen Ausschnitt des jeweiligen Songs anzuhören:

Titel Anhören
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - Am I Blue? [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - Make Believe Dreams [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - God Bless the Child [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - I Can't Face the Music [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - Time out for Tears [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - Since I Fell for You [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - A Stranger in Town [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - Mood Indigo [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - Mad About the Boy [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - Wake the Town and Tell the People [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - You Do Something to Me [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - Let's Fall in Love [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - Blues in the Night [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - Trust in Me [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - If I Should Lose You [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - Stormy Weather [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - When Your Lover Has Gone [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - Dream [Songtext anzeigen]
Quincy Jones and His Orchestra - Tears and Laughter [Songtext anzeigen]


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