John Tavener, The Protecting Veil Songtexte - Raphael Wallfisch

John Tavener, The Protecting Veil Albumcover

John Tavener, The Protecting Veil - Raphael Wallfisch

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Titel Anhören
Raphael Wallfisch - The Protecting Veil - The Protecting Veil - The Nativity of the Mother of God - Annunciation - The Incarnation - Lament of the Mother of God at the Cross - The Resurrection - The Dormition of the Moth [Songtext anzeigen]
Raphael Wallfisch - Thrinos - [Songtext anzeigen]
Raphael Wallfisch - Eternal Memory - With great peace and serenity - Slightly grotesque; dance-like; rough and an illusion of motion - With great peace and serenity [Songtext anzeigen]


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