Music from Woody Allen Movies - Performed By "The Starlite Orchestra" Songtexte - The Starlite Orchestra

Music from Woody Allen Movies - Performed By

Music from Woody Allen Movies - Performed By "The Starlite Orchestra" - The Starlite Orchestra

Klicke einfach auf einen der folgenden Titel, um dir dir den entsprechenden Songtext anzeigen zu lassen oder drücke den Play Button, um dir einen Ausschnitt des jeweiligen Songs anzuhören:

Titel Anhören
The Starlite Orchestra - Amada Mia, Amore Mio - From "To Rome With Love" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - Volare - From "To Rome With Love" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - Bistro Fada - From "Midnight in Paris" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - Let's Do It (Let's Fall in Love) - From "Midnight in Paris" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - Entre Dos Aguas - From "Vicky Christina Barcelona" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - Suite Espanola, Op. 47: I. Granada - From "Manhattan" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - Rhapsody in Blue - From "Manhattan" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - s' Wonderful - From "Manhattan" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - As Time Goes By - From "Play It Again Sam" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - Desafinado - From "Whatever Works" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - In the Mood - From "Radio Days" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - Take the 'A' Train - From "Melinda & Melinda" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - Take 5 - From "Mighty Aphrodite" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - With Plenty of Money and You - From "Small Time Crooks" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - Cheek to Cheek - From "Purple Rose of Cairo" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - What's New Pussycat? - From "What's New Pussycat?" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - Theme from "Casino Royale" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - Lazy River - From "Bullets Over Broadway" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It) - From "Hannah & Her Sisters" [Songtext anzeigen]
The Starlite Orchestra - Sophisticated Lady - From "Curse of the Jade Scorpion" [Songtext anzeigen]


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