Vintage Plug 60: Session 29 - Americana Country, Vol. 1 Songtexte - Various Artists

Vintage Plug 60: Session 29 - Americana Country, Vol. 1 Albumcover

Vintage Plug 60: Session 29 - Americana Country, Vol. 1 - Various Artists

Klicke einfach auf einen der folgenden Titel, um dir dir den entsprechenden Songtext anzeigen zu lassen oder drücke den Play Button, um dir einen Ausschnitt des jeweiligen Songs anzuhören:

Titel Anhören
Various Artists - Song of the Fisher King [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Tap Your Feet [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Sweet Home Americana [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - You Oughta Know [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - On and On [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Anthem [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Forgotten Victims [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - All We Did [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Land of Good and Plenty [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Favorite One [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Southern Mando Ukes [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - 3 Cents Change [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Mothers and Sons [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - The Bluest Sky [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - The Songwriter [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Guitar Boogie [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Trouble in the Hills [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Frontier Ways [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - The Last Bit of My Bourbon [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - New Dawn [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - I Don't Care [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Hot Potato Cakes [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Symphonic Romantic - Romantic Cowboy [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Waltzing the Blues Away [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Dark Hills [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Shelter from the Storm - Instrumental Edit [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Spaghetti and a Movie [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Lazy Country Afternoon Snooze [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Forgotten Future [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Let's Go Downtown [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - That's How It Is [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Pining Edit [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - New Snow [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Rumbling Ramble [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - In the Hills [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - One Summer Breeze [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - On My Dime [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Across the States [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Better Start It Now [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - German Girl [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Where Were You [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Sunflowers [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Freedom Song [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - In the City [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Someday [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Rockabilly Stroll [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Cafe Grill [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Man On the Wire [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Ethnic Americana Guitar Piece [Songtext anzeigen]
Various Artists - Last Song Before the Border [Songtext anzeigen]


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