Prokofiev: Ballet and Opera Transcriptions Songtexte - Vladimir Ashkenazy

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Prokofiev: Ballet and Opera Transcriptions - Vladimir Ashkenazy

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Vladimir Ashkenazy - Pieces for piano from "Romeo and Juliet" Op.75 - Arr. Prokofiev: 1. National Dance [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Pieces for piano from "Romeo and Juliet" Op.75 - Arr. Prokofiev: 2. Scene (The Street Wakens) [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Pieces for piano from "Romeo and Juliet" Op.75 - Arr. Prokofiev: 3. Minuet (The Arrival of the Guests [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Pieces for piano from "Romeo and Juliet" Op.75 - Arr. Prokofiev: 4. Juliet as a young girl [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Pieces for piano from "Romeo and Juliet" Op.75 - Arr. Prokofiev: 5. Masks [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Pieces for piano from "Romeo and Juliet" Op.75 - Arr. Prokofiev: 6. Montagues and Capulets [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Pieces for piano from "Romeo and Juliet" Op.75 - Arr. Prokofiev: 7. Friar Laurence [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Pieces for piano from "Romeo and Juliet" Op.75 - Arr. Prokofiev: 8. Mercutio [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Pieces for piano from "Romeo and Juliet" Op.75 - Arr. Prokofiev: 9. Dance of the Girls with the Lillies [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Pieces for piano from "Romeo and Juliet" Op.75 - Arr. Prokofiev: 10. Romeo & Juliet before parting [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Three pieces, Op.96: 1. Waltz (from "War & Peace") [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - The Love for Three Oranges, Symphonic Suite, Op.33 bis - Arr. piano: March [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - The Love for Three Oranges, Symphonic Suite, Op.33 bis - Arr. piano: Scherzo [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Six pieces from "Cinderella", Op.102: 1. Waltz (Cinderella and Prince) [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Six pieces from "Cinderella", Op.102: 2. Cinderella's Variation [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Six pieces from "Cinderella", Op.102: 3. Quarrel [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Six pieces from "Cinderella", Op.102: 4. Waltz (Departure of Cinderella for the Ball) [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Six pieces from "Cinderella", Op.102: 5. Shawl Dance [Songtext anzeigen]
Vladimir Ashkenazy - Six pieces from "Cinderella", Op.102: 6. Amoroso [Songtext anzeigen]


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