Night Falls Fast Songtext - Arch Enemy

Night Falls Fast - Arch Enemy

The Earth speaks of darkness
To come in the blood of man
The air, breathe the poison
All water running black

Until the sun rises
And sets on death
The sky burns red
Like sheer hate

The light in our eyes will fade
To join the darkness of our souls

The Earth is losing its light
Night falls fast
Watch the dying sun
We are lost

No angel dares to land
In this hell of mankind's making
Buried all beauty in our foulness
Nature begins to shine its fury

Until the sun rises
And sets on death
The sky burns red
Like sheer hate

The Earth is losing its light
Night falls fast
Watch the dying sun

Night falls upon mankind
Pray for the dead


The sky burns red
Like sheer hate

The Earth is losing its light
Night falls fast
Watch the dying sun
We are lost

Video: Night Falls Fast von Arch Enemy


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