Too Much Monkey Business - Stereo Songtext - The Kinks

Too Much Monkey Business - Stereo - The Kinks

Running to and fro, hard working at the mill
Never failed at the mill, there come a rotten bill
Too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved with you

Salesman talkin' to me tryin' to run me up a creek
Says you can buy it, go on try it, you can pay me next week
Too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved with you

Blonde hair, good-looking, trying to get into get me married
Get a home, settle down by the book
Too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved with you

Same thing every day, getting up, going to school
No need for me complaining, my objection's overruled
Too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved with you

Pay-phone, something's wrong, dime gone, will mail
Oughta sue the operator for telling me a tale
Too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved with you

Been to Yokohama, baby, fighting in the war
Army bunk, army chow, army clothes, army car
Too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved with you

Working in the filling station, too many checks
Wipe the windows, check the oil, check the tires, dollar gas?
Too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved with you

Video: Too Much Monkey Business - Stereo von The Kinks


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