Truth Hits Everybody - Live In Boston / 2003 Stereo Remastered Version Songtext - The Police

Truth Hits Everybody - Live In Boston / 2003 Stereo Remastered Version - The Police

[Verse 1]
Sleep lay behind me like a broken ocean
Strange waking dreams before my eyes unfold
You lay there sleeping like an open doorway
I stepped outside myself and felt so cold
Take a look at my new toy
It'll blow your head in two, oh boy

Truth hits everybody
Truth hits everyone
Oh, oh, oh
Truth hits everybody
Truth hits everyone
Truth hits everybody
Truth hits everyone

[Verse 2]
I thought about it and my dream was broken
I clutch at images like dying breath
And I don't want to make a fuss about it
The only certain thing in [life is death]
Take a look at my new toy
It'll blow your head in two, oh boy


Where you want to be
Won't you ever see


Video: Truth Hits Everybody - Live In Boston / 2003 Stereo Remastered Version von The Police


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