My Heart Burns for You Songtext - The Wind

My Heart Burns for You - The Wind

In every moment of my life
I think of you as my wife
I would give all to hold your hand
All those letters I’ll never send
You must hear something
Try to be understanding

My heart burns for you
We are one instead of two
My heart burns for you
I must tell you it’s not new
I must tell you it’s not new
I must tell you it’s not new
I must tell you it’s not new
I must tell you it’s not new

I know you are so different
Sometimes you look complacent
You’re the goal I want to achieve
I’d like to have your mind’s keys

To taste your sexy legs
To feel your warm sweet breath
I don’t know how to come to you
Maybe my love is true because

I think I need you
And I think you need me too
We must be together
It’s written in our minds forever

My heart burns for you
We are one instead of two
My heart burns for you
I must tell you it’s not new
I must tell you it’s not new
I must tell you it’s not new
I must tell you it’s not new
I must tell you it’s not new

My heart burns for you
We are one instead of two
My heart burns for you
I must tell you it’s not new
I must tell you it’s not new
I must tell you it’s not new
I must tell you it’s not new
I must tell you it’s not new---Lyrics submitted by John Ryan.

Video: My Heart Burns for You von The Wind


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