Comma Later Songtext - Umphrey's McGee

Comma Later - Umphrey's McGee

Those little things aren't cheap
Up to no good selling Shelly now
It took up to a month
Once you're here there's no way out
Stick with your nights your days are hell
You knew it well, might as well

Seeing yourself looking back through time
Wasting all those precious coins
You're going to be alright just stay away tonight, tonight
Seeing yourself looking back through time
Wasting all those precious coins
We're going be alright stay away tonight, tonight, that's right

Sick, I never thought she'd look like the shit
Out on the town, give it up give it down
Never seeing what becomes
Once you're in there's no way out
Stick with your guns your day will spin
Spin around town

Seeing yourself looking back through time
Wasting all those precious coins
You're going to be alright stay away tonight, tonight
Seeing yourself looking back through time
Wasting all those precious coins
We're going be alright just stay away tonight, tonight, that's right

Seeing yourself looking back through time
Wasting all those precious coins
You're going to be alright just stay away tonight, tonight
Seeing yourself looking back through time
Wasting all those precious coins
We're going be alright stay away tonight, tonight, that's right

Seeing yourself looking back through time
Wasting all those precious coins
You're going to be alright just stay away tonight, tonight, that's right

Video: Comma Later von Umphrey's McGee


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